WHY‘s latest single “Calloused Heart” has been added to STINGRAY MUSIC‘s Canadian Indie Chart along with Daniel Lanois, Sam Roberts, The Pack AD, Yukon Blonde and July Talk… Hear It Now on Your Cable Provider or on the Stingray app. “Calloused Heart” by WHY has been serviced to Canadian Rock and Modern Rock Radio formats…
Tag: WHY
New WHY Song Coming Jan 5th
The new WHY song “Calloused Heart” will be released on Tuesday January 5th. Start the New Year with New Music. Pre-Save the song on Spotify
Rehearsal Video Of New Song “Calloused Heart”
Rehearsal of a new song “Calloused”. This one will be in the next WHY show. And plans for a EP of new songs could be coming. Help WHY record the new songs with GoFundMe https://gf.me/u/yz447k
WHY Broadcast Another Live Concert From HQ
Canadian alternative rock band WHY perform Live from their rehearsal hall again. This time a longer set, old and new songs and the debut of a new song “DROWNING IN THE SHALLOW END”. This is another FREE concert (no tickets sold) and you can support WHY so they can keep making music by donating any…
Tonight WHY Live From HQ Tune In
“WHY Live From HQ” is a streaming concert event on Facebook Live and YouTube Tonight May 1st. WATCH ON YouTube: Or on FACEBOOK LIVE: WHY Official Facebook Page
WHY Concert Performance On Facebook Live
WHY are performing a live streaming concert on Facebook Live FRIDAY APRIL 24th at 9PM (CT Canada) (3AM in UK). FREE Streaming Concert RSVP: Click To Attend https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dq55nA1_U/ Follow or Like the official WHY Facebook page: WHY on Facebook WHY will perform their entire new album “Despite All Of The Darkness” streaming live in concert. The…
New Single And Video!
With the new release of “Despite All Of The Darkness” a new single and video for “Not The End” where released Dec 23rd. Subscribe to the official WHY YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/WHYtheband
New WHY Album Is Out
WHY released their latest album “Despite All Of The Darkness” today. It is available at the usual online platforms: iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Spotify…etc. iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/despite-all-of-the-darkness/1486645113 Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/WHY_Despite_All_of_the_Darkness?id=B7ze6r27weowhtsycvxdaaxxegq Bandcamp: http://whymusic.bandcamp.com/album/despite-all-of-the-darkness
WHY Back In Studio
WHY are back in studio with producer Steve Green at GREEN EGG STUDIO, to finish up the next album.
“The Prophet” Extended Video Released
The extended cut of WHY‘s new video “The Prophet” is out now.