WHY just released the 3rd single from their next album (that they are currently recording). The track is called “Can’t Stand Your Kids”. Singer Brian Cook addressed some of the responses so far, “…I’ve had a few messages asking ‘Are you talking about single mothers this close to Mother’s Day?‘…I found that hilarious. I’m not…
Tag: Winnipeg
WHY Moving Forward With The New Album
WHY have been moving forward with the album funding it song by song with a GoFundMe campaign. If you want to help them finish it and get songs early, donate any(and we me any) amount to: https://www.gofundme.com/NewWHYSongs
WHY Release “The Comeback” To Start 2018
The 2nd single from WHY’s forthcoming 6th album was released Jan 2nd across all music platforms. The World slipped into the ditch in 2017. In 2018 we can get back on the road and move forward…never back. This is the year of The Comeback. BUY IT NOW EVERY WHERE
New Single Coming Jan 2nd
The 2nd SINGLE “The Comeback” (from the next album “Despite All Of The Darkness”) by WHY releases Tuesday Jan 2nd 2018. Start the #NewYear with renewed hope. “The Comeback”.
WHY Shot A Video Over 2 Nights For new Song
WHY shoot the video for the new single “Repair The Breach” last Friday and this Wednesday night. Extras came out both nights braving the chill of a Winnipeg Spring evening. The band and team wish to thank all who came out and gave there time and energy to making this video come together. The “Repair…
New Single “Repair The Breach” on CDBABY
You can purchase the new single “Repair The Breach” by WHY on CDBABY https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/why9 (coming to iTUNES, GOOGLE Play Store…ect. Soon)
WHY working on New Single at GREENEGG STUDIO
WHY working on New Single at GREENEGG STUDIO. “Hoping to release the new single in March” promised Brian Cook https://www.instagram.com/p/BQjtyEzgEqK/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BQwu2HqDuNp/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BQjwxJWgqeM/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BQ4bcmSjGw7/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BQjrDXeg9e_/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BQjpltcgsWS/?taken-by=why_music
A New WHY Single Or 2 Coming.
The guys are working hard to get the new single (or singles) out. “The hope was to release before Christmas, but not sure if we can meet that deadline. we want the songs to be right… “Brian shared after last nights session. “…we have a solid album coming and the singles are sounding really powerful….
WHY Finishes Pre-Production Ready For Studio
WHY have almost finished pre-production on the next album (writing and recording demos). https://www.instagram.com/p/BI0vLNRjNZw/?taken-by=why_music “We are having meetings with Steve Green at GREENEGG Studio next week to get started recording first singles” was the word from Brian(singer) yesterday. https://www.instagram.com/p/BI44XsBDRgp/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BI4_kDjDWkN/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BI5Ak2lDkk9/?taken-by=why_music
WHY Singer Brian Cook Is Back,Ready To Record
https://www.instagram.com/p/BIFnTiyjBKb/?taken-by=why_music Brian got back from road this week and said he’s ready to get back to writing and recording WHY’s next album. “…met some great people and got a little rest in. I’m ready to get back to work.” https://www.instagram.com/p/BIFmcNpj2Kq/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BIBokPXDx13/?taken-by=why_music